Our Vision
COLAB delivers on its promise to lead the reform of local government.
COLAB was formed as an advocacy group to address issues with the various departments within the County of Imperial organization.
Over the course of time, that scope was expanded to include the Imperial Irrigation District, although in light of the Quantified Settlement Agreement (QSA), COLAB has not formally addresses water related issues. The continued availability of water to our agricultural members and the related businesses is important.
COLAB unites the independent strengths of labor, agriculture and business to project a powerful united voice dedicated to protecting and enhancing the natural and business environments of Imperial County through:
dynamic reciprocal relationships
enlightened educational outreach
progressive political action
COLAB supports:
preserving and protecting your private property rights
advocating for a fiscally responsible local government
lobbying for environmental legislation based on sound
principles of science
exploring cost effective solutions to issue associated with business and job creation
balancing the needs of the environment with the economy
protecting an economy that offers opportunity to all
Each spring, COLAB host a breakfast for the community to learn about the status of the IID and the County of Imperial. The President of the IID Board and the Chairman of the County of Imperial Supervisors are invited to provide a 20 minute overview and then the COLAB board and membership, as well as the audience has the opportunity to asked questions. You can watch our 2020 Breakfast video HERE.
Shelby Trimm
Executive Director, COLAB Imperial